This is a Now Page.

(Last Updated—> January 26th, 2023) | H/T to Derek Sivers

Currently reading:

Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein

How is it?

⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 | Range is a thoroughly-researched rebuttal against all those preach depth at the expense of breadth. In light of AI’s staggering advances, generalists and synthesizers are in prime position to benefit professionally.

Recent, random shower thought:

How much of what we like do we like simply because we want other people who like those things to like us?

Questions I’m currently contemplating:

  • How long am I going to wait before I demand the best for myself? (H/T Epictetus)

  • How can I combat against Akrasia?

  • What is my life’s Telos? (n.b. Don't worry, it's not all Greek to me)

  • How can I inspire authenticity and vulnerability through my writing?

  • How do I train my inner monologue to be kinder?

  • How do I balance my desire to be social, present, and mindful with my unquenchable thirst for knowledge and learning?

  • How do I honor and promulgate true diversity of thought in an increasingly polarized world?

  • When setting goals, how do I avoid optimizing for the wrong outcome?

  • How can I effectively fight against overstimulation and the deluge that is the Information Age?

  • Richard Feynman famously said, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” How am I currently fooling myself and how can I perceive things more clearly? 

  • How do I foster acceptance, compassion, and flourishing with a conspicuous disability?

  • How do I eke out a living from my penchant for the written word?

  • How do I delight others by going above and beyond?

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