This is a Now Page.

(Last Updated—> June 11th, 2024) | H/T to Derek Sivers

Currently reading:

If It Sounds Like a Quack...: A Journey to the Fringes of American Medicine by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling

How is it?

⭐⭐⭐/5 | A zany, entertaining ride through various psuedoscientists’ claims of a “One True Cure.” Ranging from lasers to leeches, the book poses interesting questions about the friction between public health and medical freedom.

Recent, random shower thought:

Obesity is just inflation of the pound.

Questions I’m currently contemplating:

  • How long am I going to wait before I demand the best for myself? (H/T Epictetus)

  • How can I combat against Akrasia?

  • What is my life’s Telos? (n.b. Don't worry, it's not all Greek to me)

  • How can I inspire authenticity and vulnerability through my writing?

  • How do I train my inner monologue to be kinder?

  • How do I balance my desire to be social, present, and mindful with my unquenchable thirst for knowledge and learning?

  • How do I honor and promulgate true diversity of thought in an increasingly polarized world?

  • When setting goals, how do I avoid optimizing for the wrong outcome?

  • How can I effectively fight against overstimulation and the deluge that is the Information Age?

  • Richard Feynman famously said, “The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.” How am I currently fooling myself and how can I perceive things more clearly? 

  • How do I foster acceptance, compassion, and flourishing with a conspicuous disability?

  • How do I eke out a living from my penchant for the written word?

  • How do I delight others by going above and beyond?

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